Creating a Customer Engagement Management Solution

Nothing is more frustrating than missing an opportunity to connect with key customers. FORCE is often approached to help clients remedy this common problem, and although every client is unique, each customer management solution follows our internal process designed to maximize client collaboration and success.

Our client needed help managing its customer connections. After intensive research, the FORCE team identified a digital solution that required a complete handoff, with no direct logistical support from us. After conducting capabilities and discovery meetings with the client, we merged our abilities with their needs and devised a plan outlining the exact tool that we would craft for them and the budget required for project success.

The client reviewed our proposal and offered their feedback, and we made all necessary adjustments as quickly as possible. We designed and developed the product while teaming with the client, ensuring a product that their team appreciated and could quickly learn and understand. Our results fit their expectations precisely.

Since implementation, we’ve worked closely with the client and have met each expansion and refinement request, building a practical customer-centric tool that is applicable throughout their business. We turned a client’s weakness into a strength, all by leading with science and listening to their needs.


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