RJ Strycker


Rapidly growing pharmaceutical services platform extends presence into scientific communications with the completion of its second acquisition. NASHVILLE, Tenn., Feb. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Petauri, a purpose-built pharmaceutical services platform, announced its acquisition of FORCE Communications and its 3 independent companies, DRIVE, MOMENTUM, and PROPEL, which bring science to life on behalf of clients and their medical PETAURI™ ACQUIRES FORCE COMMUNICATIONS

Is Your Medical Communications Agency Working for You?

As a marketing or medical leader in the pharmaceutical, device, or biotech industry, you may rely on one or more medical communications agencies (MedComms) to help balance the work you do. Depending on the agency, they may provide tactical assistance with claims development, medical writing, content management, promotional or consumer copywriting, creative services, or meeting Is Your Medical Communications Agency Working for You?

What Is the FDA’s New Normal?
Drug Approval During the COVID-19 Pandemic
and Beyond

It’s not an understatement to say that the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has been—and continues to be—a challenge for the US and the world. It has upended many of our critical structures, including our health system and medical treatments. But for organizations such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and connected institutions What Is the FDA’s New Normal?<br><em>Drug Approval During the COVID-19 Pandemic <br>and Beyond</em>


As the healthcare landscape evolves in the US and throughout the world, life science companies must prove that their innovative products improve patient outcomes while providing benefits that are markedly different from current offerings. Market drivers today include value-based evidence and clinical outcomes, which demonstrate the link between patient outcomes and the cost of achieving THE FUTURE OF MEDICAL AFFAIRS

Avoid These 10 Mistakes in Your Next Digital Project

In today’s fast-paced business environment, more and more projects are going digital. While digital platforms offer advantages in many areas, people sometimes believe that digital media are incredibly easy to create and change. Unfortunately, this is often not the case. Numerous pitfalls can derail what should be a fun and exciting way to produce a Avoid These 10 Mistakes in Your Next Digital Project


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